Replace convex mirror to flat mirror
Most cars made before 2009 had flat mirrors on the driver’s side, but in Australia new legislation came into place in March of that year which changed the design of driver’s side mirrors. The change meant that all new cars bought after this date must have flat mirrors so alteration of the mirror will no longer be allowed by an RMS approved vehicle tester upon registration. Over the last decade, there has been an increased import of vehicles produced by European manufacturers that have convex mirrors on the driver’s side. This is because European regulations differ to the Australian Standards. In most countries across Europe, it is legal to produce vehicles with convex mirrors. While this seems like a trivial detail, when you have a flat mirror, they are less distorted and create a better field of vision than those with a curved effect.
We provide one of the cheapest side mirror replacement services in Sydney, Melbourne, Perth and other major cities of Australia. We do our best to ensure that we are offering services in a good price. You will get high quality replacement parts for very low prices.